Major Crops of India Indian Agriculture, Geography

Major Crops of India Indian Agriculture, Geography

Major Crops of India Indian Agriculture, Geography

hi in this blog we will learn about major types of crops that exists in India before we do that we need to first understand the cropping pattern in India that is  I say this is important because if you understand how crops are classified into these three patterns then you will have a better understanding about the origination properties and characteristics so let's read about each one of them in brief the first one is Rabi crop so this crop is sold in the season of winter that is from October to December and harvested in summer that is from April to June so always remember Robbie crop is a winter crop the best way to remember is the letter I also exists in the world winter so when you have Robbie it's winter remember that now some of the important Rabi crops are wheat barley peace gram now these crops are grown in the large part of India especially places near north and northwest in parts such as Punjab Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir with tarantula andother Pradesh so remember India has two types of monsoon that is southwestern monsoon and then not eastern monsoon so the second one that is the not eastern monsoon it occurs during the winter season therefore this monsoon or this rainfall helps in the success of these crops now due to the success of Green Revolution it has helped in the growth of these Rabi crops so Green Revolution was a period when agriculture in India increased its yield due to improved agronomic technology you know at that time everything was efficiently done we have proper technology in place and with best practices this movement green revolution developed and this was purely to overcome food defects because that can lead to health hazards now let's read about the Khalif crop Karif crops are grown with the onset of monsoon so this is the southwestern monsoon we are talking about which starts at the beginning of June and the crops are harvested in the month of September or October by the end of the monsoon sokar if up is sown in the monsoon and Robbie crop is sown in the winter remember that now some of the Cardiff crops are paddy maize jor Bhadra tor MooMoo Roth cotton jute ground nut and soya bean so all of these crops are grown at the region of Assam West Bengal coastal regions of Orissa under Pradesh Tamil Nadu Kerala and Maharashtra so you see all of these places receives rainfall from the southwest and wind so this was all about the car if crop so after Robbie and kharif season there is something called Zee season so it is a short season but it is mostly in the summer so some of the crops that are grown in this season are watermelon musk melon cucumber and other vegetables and fathers so all of these crops falls on the Zayat crop so with this we are now aware of the three types of cropping patterns in India now let's read about the major crops of India a variety of food is grown in different parts of the country and basically it depends on the variation of soil climate and cultivation practices now some of the major crops in India are rice wheat millet pulses tea coffee sugarcane oil seeds cotton and jute so let's read about each one of these crops and get to know more in depth the first one is rice it is the staple food crop of a majority of the people in India so rice is consumed at a large quantity now always remember rice is a car if crop which means it is grown during the monsoon season in the month of June and it requires high temperature that is above 25 degree Celsius and then the annual range of rainfall should be above 100 centimeter so overall you need high temperature and a good rainfall so rice is grown usually in the plains of north and northeast in India and also places near the coastal areas and the Delta ik regions because you see you need a lot of water to grow rice so coastal areas and deltas they're perfect places to get some water from and the northeastern side receives heavy rainfall and the northern parts of punjab and with the pradesh they get water from irrigation facilities like drawing water from the reservoirs and now due to the advancement of canal irrigation and cube bills races like Punjab Haryana western Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan as it is these places receive very less rainfall but now due to advancement in irrigation facilities even these states are able to grow rice and the second crop is wheat it is the second most important crop in India it is the main food crop for the people of north and north western part of the country now this crop requires cool growing season so that means it should be grown during the winter and during winter Robi crop is grown so wheat is a Rabi crop now it requires a rainfall of 15 to 75 centimeter so there are two important places where wheat is grown and it is purely because of that ideal location and those places are the gang grass at the lodge plain in the north we are talking about the regions of Punjab Haryana and the second region is black soil region of the Deccan Plateau here the regions are Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh and the major wheat producing states are Punjab Haryana Uttar Pradesh Bihar Rajasthan and multiplied - so if we see all of these places ranges from naught to the central part of the country and the next robbers millets so millets are crops that contain small seeds so some of the important millets are jowar bajra and raggy and these things have very high nutritional value for example raggy is rich in iron calcium and other micronutrients so to grow these crops you need a lot of moisture therefore it has grown mostly in the rain Fred areas so again we can call it as a monsoon crop so if it is monsoon it has to be cut if Maratha is the largest producer of jaw followed by cannot occur on the Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh and when it comes to Basra it grows well on the sandy soil and black soil and it is grown in the region of Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra Gujarat and Haryana and ragged soil black soil or sandy soil to grow so Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are deira largest producer of Wragge and apart from them states like a marshal with ranches Sikkim charcoal are not a Pradesh they also grow a lot of rhaggy and if you see these places also have this kind of red black and sandy soils available and the next type of crop is maize not as a Cardiff drop which requires a lot of water because carafe is a monsoon crop and the temperature should be in between 21 to 27 degree Celsius so today maize is being grown by the help of high yielding varieties seeds so these seeds require less input and they give a lot of output and then you need fertilizers and irrigation facilities to increase the production of maize so some of the maize producing states are cannot occur with the Pradesh Bihar under Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh now the next type of crop is pulses now India is the largest producer as well as the consumer of pulses in the world and also the Government of India gives huge quantity of pulses as a subsidy through the public distribution system to the people of India in meeting the minimum requirement of protein for a person so pulses are the major sources of protein so some of the pulses that we grow in India are tour or earth-moon mass or piece and gram and by the way they are also called leguminous crops so remember that pulses are called leguminous crops and pulses helps in restoring soil fertility by fixing nitrogen from the air so growing possesses good both for the population as well as the land so pulses are usually grown in rotation with other crops meaning suppose you are growing a crop a so after harvesting the crop a you will grow a pulse crop because it will help in restoring the fertility of the soil and after that again you can grow crop B and after harvesting crop B again you will grow pulse crop so like this it continues and this is the meaning of rotation so the major producing states are multiplied - ruta Pradesh Rajasthan Maharashtra and cannot occur so all of the things that we read right now all of this are food crops data grains so now we are going to read about the food crops other than grains so the first one is sugarcane so it is a tropical as well as a subtropical crop so it needs a hot and humid climate a temperature of 21 to 27 degree Celsius would be an ideal temperature and an annual rainfall of 75 200 centimeter would be good so where there is low rainfall you need irrigation so the meaning of irrigation is drawing water from nearby canals or dam because that is the best substitute for rainfall there's nothing else so one good thing about sugarcane is that it can be grown on a variety of soils meaning it doesn't need any one ideal soil but then you need manual labor because it is a labor intensive crop so sugarcane acts like a raw material for sugar good that is jaggery then can suri and molasses and the states that produce a sugar cane are Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra Karnataka Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh Bihar Punjab and Haryana and just remember this with the pradesh is the leading producer of sugarcane and the second type of food crop that is not a grain is oil seeds they are nothing but vegetable oil so which is obtained from the seed of some plant you must have heard about sunflower oil sesame oil or olive oil that we use in a kitchen so these all come from seed oil so now you know the importance of that so some of the main oil seeds produced in India are ground nut mustard coconut soya bean castor seeds cotton seeds lens seeds and sunflower so most of these are edible and used as cooking mediums now we also use oil for the production of soap cosmetics and oilman's so now this adds more value to this kind of crop so some of the states that produce oil seeds are Gujarat Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh Haryana and cannot occur so this was all about the oil seeds so the next type of food crop is an example of Planet Asian agriculture so we are talking about tea so the British introduced tea first in India remember that but of course today most of the tea plantations are owned by the Indians now the tea plants grow well in both tropical as well as subtropical climates but you need a deep and fertile soil rich in humors and organic matter so tea needs warm and moist climate and you also need frequent rainfall and when I say rainfall not the heavy rainfall the SHA rainfall the light one so these are the ideal condition that is required for the growth of nice tea leaves now let me tell you tea is a labor-intensive industry it requires a lot of hard labour and the states that produce tea are Assam Hills of Darjeeling then Jalpaiguri districts of West Bengal then you have in the southern region Tamil Nadu and Kerala now apart from these ideal location there are few other places like Marshall Pradesh Uttaranchal mahalia Andhra Pradesh and three pura so these all states contribute towards tea production now after tea it has to be coffee wherever you go you will have an alternative to tea so the Indian coffee is known in the world for its good quality and always remember coffee was never any Ninh crop it was brought initially from a country called Yemen now coffee is grown only in the southern region of India and it is only confined that we just repeat that word can find through the area of nil greece in Karnataka Kerala and Tamil Nadu so you will just find coffee plants here and no other place in India and the next crop is horticulture when it comes to horticulture just remember fruits and vegetables so all the colorful different shaped solid products that we consume these are called horticulture now India is the largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world now India produces both tropical as well as temperate fruits so we have mangoes oranges bananas lychee guava pineapple apples pears apricots walnuts so all these kinds of rich fruits are grown in India just have a look at this map you will find all the places being marked which grows the respective fruits so India also produces a lot of vegetables the important ones are pea cauliflower onion cabbage tomato brinjal and potato so with this we cover the entire horticultural crop now let's move on to the next topic non-food crops so meaning these are crops but you cannot consume them they are not edible so the first one is rubber so it is an equatorial crop meaning it is grown in all the countries that lies in the equatorial region now to grow rubber you need moist and humid climate and then you need heavy rain more than 200 centimeter so if you see moisture humidity and heavy rainfall these are all characteristics of equatorial region we all know that rubber is an important industrial raw material so the states in India that grow rubber are Kerala Tamil Nadu Karnataka and the one in Nicobar Islands then garo hills of mahalia so notice all of these places receive heavy rainfall and they are also very humid so where there is humidity moisture will be high so this was all about rubber the next one is fiber crops so fiber crops are cotton jute hemp and natural silk so these crops were traditionally been used to make paper cloth or rope and they are of two types natural and artificial so today fibers are being chemically modified to make them strong so most of the natural fiber crops are obtained from cocoons of the silkworms and silkworms feed on green leaves known as mulberry so the process of rearing silk from silkworm is known as Siddhi culture the Sira culture starts with s so remember that s also stands for silk just remember this way it will be easy and the next one is cotton now cotton is one of the main raw materials for cotton textile industry I mean this is a huge industry it's a multi-billion dollar industry so to grow cotton you need black soil so where do you find black soil in India it's found in the regions of they can plat you it requires high temperature and moderate rainfall and you cannot have frost you know you only need sunlight brights and light and it usually takes six to eight months to mature that is to harvest now the major cotton producing states are Maharashtra Gujarat Madhya Pradesh Karnataka Andhra Pradesh Tamil Nadu Punjab Haryana and the top age so if you see most of these states they lie in Deccan Plateau and the last type of non-food crop is jute so jute is refer to as golden fiber if you see the colour of it it is brownish and golden colour now you need a fertile soil to grow jute but here is a catch that soil needs to be renewed every and how does the soil gets renewed by continuous flow of river and where can you find such a place West Bengal Bihar Assam Orissa mahalia so if we see all these places have river that is perennial or continuous flowing so that helps in renewing the soil so jutice used to make gunny bags mats ropes yan carpets and other artifacts and these are costly they are of high cost and because of that it is losing market because we have an alternative to that it's called synthetic fiber which is also called artificial fiber and they are chemically produced and they are cheap so that brings us to the end of jute and also to the end of all types of major crops that are produced in India I hope you found this video informative I'll see you in the next one if you enjoy these videos and see a purpose behind watching them please like the video and comment down below until then catch you guys later and talk to you guys on the next one peace 

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