After harvest most farmers come and we burn all the family while we are in the booth we are killing the soil. We have some sauce. You need more trees back here for the entire soil like this to make the lines, and you know that just look this way it just does the point I don't dig anymore.
Due to local climatic conditions and soil preparation methods, the hard soil layer has developed, and at the end of the dry season, the farmers set fire to the fire to prepare for the next agricultural season without weeding. And leftover plants can also apply organic matter that does not have leaves or shrubs that wipe out when the land is cleared and provide new nutrients. Farmers often plow or build heaps or pull downs. There are no roots to do and no soil shade available. With no protection against severe weather conditions, the heat can destroy many living organisms in the tropical rain and threaten the roots of the laundry and reach the organic matter and the rest of the nutrients.
Compress the soil down to create a hard layer of loosening the soil at once, and the hard pan is so compressed that the root of the tree cannot be submerged under the water but escapes through the hair follicles, leaving the sole of the upper layer of fada roots and plant nutrients. Lasts long enough, the soul loses fertility and the head turns into a desert land Go is not a separate case and is dependent on the traditional area of the southern desert of the Sahara now traditional cultures across Africa, which is available for cultivation and growing of the world's population. Another approach to agriculture is urgently needed to stop this momentum and maintain the soil fertility fast ” Look at your crop cell and tell them what they want to grow. Patrick works for the Conservation Agriculture Center, an organization that operates on the principles of conservation agriculture, moving away from traditional farming practices. In Australia, the decision to maintain a permanent crop and subsequently reduce crop diversity is a complex set of methods that will work for the conservation area, guided by all three rules, to reduce soil disturbance and cover three practiced crop diversity. The first element is the letters '30 step mother' nag as we clean We do not try and keep as much as possible not to use this just is not anyone in deep folds in the ground, and we try to mimic what happens in the base of the third way is the way to build your sake. We will extend this plowed land so that it has been ordered to apply, and the middle class is acting as a protection plot. We do not work where we put a lot of surface and burn and the bandits struggle so you call it slash and burn plot. It's been here for a couple of years and it's right here. 'As the rain falls, the damage is too much. We are filling it up with the east wind, as if to show the burning water quickly, we move some particles under that protection act. And sometimes I see that even when the water is coming, you are maintaining the soil and even when it is raining, they are equally saying, who can take account of why there is not enough nutrients in the water? As the rain falls, the losses are much larger. We have filled it with the east wind, as if to show burning water quickly, we move some particles under that protection act. And sometimes I see that even when the water is coming, you are maintaining the soil and even when it is raining, they are equally saying, who can take account of why there is not enough nutrients in the water? As the rain falls, the losses are much greater. We have filled it with the east wind, as if to show burning water quickly, we move some particles under that protection act. And sometimes I see that even when the water is coming, you are maintaining the soil and even when it is raining, they are equally saying, 'Who can account for why there is not enough nutrients in the water? 'Soil and plowing and plowing in soil reduces soil degradation capacity and in soil covered by weeds, there is no soil moisture and there is no better burning or plowing than sunlight.
For the soil but we have a small field shea wall and we never meet in the hills, it is planted directly on the rail and this tuber is growing more than where it was planted in the mouth. Mountain we dig and plant weapons and I ' The fact that I'm even using my hand to bring a stretcher means that it is very possible to do underground farming without soil, and there is a similarity to non-mountainous mountain slopes, but it is not necessary to do so from healthy soil. Its tree is seen growing cabbage carrots so when Allah does not take damage I am happy to apply the principles of conservation agriculture when I see the practice of quotation protection of these commodities Patrick and his co-workers created a small garden of Eden. The perfect soil enables the growth of beautiful crops without the use of excessive chemical fertilizers in the first year, we use lettuce salad. ) Can apply for kale because we can make fertilizer Not because we have already added so much organic matter to the soil even if we need skin.
If you are applying, reduce the amount if you are using fibers of unpicking fillets on conversion uploads - starting at two farms in a place like Dogo for conservation is not the best thing that needs to be broken. Heartbeat is a very hard task because of a motorized respest, if one has an area that is plowing for a long time, and as a result of the experience in this hot pan, 'Fidel used the Fidel Ripper to create this field for field farming and after the fado on top of the soil. The lower part is enough to cut the slices. The seeds of his crop were planted in straight lines along these straight lines and cut into heart leaves. He was sure that his crops could reach the nutrients in the soil below Arpa,
Bum Boulevardier Mui Allah Cotton Sarviguana Anisol Hsienayu This is true Ah how you want to be first but hey I'm here to tell you that if you rotate your soil every year and every year you tell your soil you are doing better than normal conditions. When you are plowing, you can make that space very fluffy mm. Hm My promise is to make it, and then instead of slipping on you or the entire floor, experience the many battles of the soil deciding what you are doing when the day you experience a lot of danger in the plot p because the soil is loose and the rain falls and the water comes to the soil and I'm looking at plot R.
Those are just lines. You've got to show you a seat, and it gets worse when I have a rain myself - the soil should be so much better than the plot that one should take back some of the information from the first theory. You have a few seconds to ask yourself what damage the soil will rotate or plow before you fit it The soil can easily be damaged by rain before responding without structure. The name of this upper soil layer, which is formed by deep plowing, is called a hot pan, which prevents the growth of plant roots and must be broken once the topsoil is regenerated. What type of soil fertility is required what What kind of motor can be used for this job The answer is that Ripachi tines break hot pan
The effect of rainfall on unsafe soil causes further damage and erosion. There are two strategies for creating soil crust crops and residues where the sun's rays prevent the soil from entering at a moderate temperature and protects the surface of the soil from moisture. Cover residue cover Not just any organic matter you have left over 'Eat or sell ground or cells for example can be used to protect newly planted meat after harvest Another effective way to create a remnant is by farming male stocks where farmers are working on larger exercises. Fall can do the same exercise. When a stock is standing, be done with a ruler's crimper, Not enough sheets are covered to cover the soil, and when you make this happen and you bring it down, we're going to get enough sheets to cover the remaining soil with good protection issues. You can hardly depend on how much residue it will disintegrate for the benefit of your soil during the growing season. 'It is good to restrict the movement of your animals otherwise they will devour your soil armor. We have two types of cover residue and we also have an armor crop which is commonly used as cover cover which are the plants we have established.
The specific purpose for improving soil fertility is whether you plant it directly during your main crop or individually cover the cover crop in your main crop, which is another way to interact with the main crop and cover crop and to support each other. Stripe planting You should cover the cover crop in different stripes in your main crop plot by moving the strip during the harvest season. You allow them to do their plot a little bit. It is not always good for your soul to re-plant the same crop again. Used efficiently Will be for the main crop and cover crops have different preferences by removing the second crop pests and diseases in your crops stroke is the main way in helping to attack a specific crop. Plant your maize for one season and another crop there. Diseases and Diseases of Other Pests Special diets should be taken. The maize is staffed by it, and next season you can bring your mattress back, which if you have lines, will enjoy press free and fertile soil.
I've picked this one up so you can ruin my life by cropping up a very fast growing cover. You can see that there are lots of organic TVs out there. 'This is such a leaf that our Sheldon is going to add nutrients to the soil. I can also dig my hands and you can see the crumbs and the life. Everything is there. If you plant the same crop on one piece, the land will absorb the same nutrients in the same area for many years. Sometimes it is better to change different graphs to diversify the soil system and later It is also capable of controlling pests like those pests if you copy over the year. There is no need for that simple italic copy because we always want to diversify by trying to rotate the crop from the same place every year to make the plants very fit and healthy.
'The main crop in the main grain family, like rice wheat sorghum and sorghum crop, belongs to the family of maize and the main crop is like the family of maize grain. Take a look at some of the most popular armor of these crops. All the beans and lentils of all types of beans or lentils of all sorts of plants help the family to grow and therefore, good shells like gumu have the ability to resolve nitrogen, and making nitrogen available for cereal plants is an important thing. Nourishing nutrients for plants of all plants that do not have enough nitrogen in the soil cycle will provide very slow fruit trees like grass, and an interesting strategy for solving this problem is that attractive algae nutrients get nitrogen from the first soil bacteria. The algae binds the bacteria in the house for bacteria and begins to take nitrogen from the air inside the soil, converting it into a usable algae and feeding it to the host. Bacteria from neighboring grain plants receive this nitrogen from the root and fennel, and because of this complex exchange between soil bacteria and algae, farmers get a lot of money instead of buying chemical fertilizers. At the roots of the algae plant, we find that the nodules that are created for the small bacteria, if you open the nodules, you can check if the bacteria are acting as red as the bacteria are actively fixing the nitrogen. Inside the bladder is white '
At the same time, it is important to put oxygen together to keep the soil together which does not increase the fertility of the soil. Otherwise, after the carnival is established, the roots act as a form of weed control which makes it very difficult for one to wish. Hold anywhere, deep droplets are a sequence of nutrient pumps that reach the soil layer just below the corn range, and when the plant returns to the soil layer, nutrients are reduced and corn can be taken. They have cotton. Adorable is pretty like a plant that attracts a lot of pollen and if you see the yellow color there, they should be attracted to the Catalunya John SIA. Looks like a thin decking area, Construct a root system similar to Kanse Valia John SIA The John SIA will always look at which fibrous root combination and then the upper root let me move it now because if I had brought someone who was' really able to hold so much soil even when I left one One might ask that the type of food eaten can go as deep as possible and that the nutritious sounds It's out. That is, the roots will go deeper and bring out the leaves. The list will then come to the surface and then it will decompose and through your corn will benefit from that particular nutrient that provides a total of two types of area valuable. Disease worms are a major threat to tomatoes, especially for vegetable crops.
Creates Chemical Protected Zones that Animals Cannot Survive If enough organic matter is supplied from your hotel area or any other cover crop, even the soil can go for resistance-attack enough biomass attracts a person who has traps for UM, virtually in short form. The fall Once the nematode enters the humid trap of the fungus and swallows an insect forming an additional insect for your soil, it is cream hakuna, it is the best cover crop when it comes to weed control, and so you can see the weeds do not even see the grapes that you bring down. Brings everything ' You can wear Tea Cream Hakkuna in maize when men probably do a hoodie for a week, you can bring it all down using a device or rope. Now look at this page and we have a different type of bush area, regardless of what's happening next. If you plan to miss this bush on the day you plan to miss it and You are planting because it does not mount and I do not have a device that is safe now. If you want to discuss the benefits of each of them, then it is better if you mix everything together with the idea of permanent soil protection with different cover crops. Is. The workshop has all been practiced instead of just sowing in loose and loose soil. If you want to discuss the benefits of all that is not a T device, now is safe, so be good when you mix everything together with the idea of permanent soil protection with different cover crops. The workshop has all been practiced instead of just sowing in loose and loose soil. If you want to discuss the benefits of all that is not a T device, now is safe, so be good when you combine everything with the idea of permanent soil protection with different cover crops. The workshop has all been practiced instead of just sowing in loose and loose soil.
How this is done in consideration of planting in soil covered by crops and tree residues Most of the time, farmers often leave empty waste in clean fields. In case of MIG burns or rich but before conservation, in our case we have planned to relay to the sun and we want to get the plant into the soil and therefore all the waste around us is oh so we need to cover the storm so that we can get more organic material in the soil seeds. Like a job plant Adhananni will be easy to exercise so that we can put on a red leather organic. The chamber and then we stop the other chamber for fear of stopping and it is at Macy's everyone's time that we are forcing the bottom we are closed to the open ground. Again, a good planter you should not forget about ready this is a motorized version called direct plant preparation, because the seeds from the soil cover make the seedlings fall into the line of seedlings. Let the ground serve as a cover and then decompose to decompose graduates and use more material for you, so at that time take back some information about elements two and three and cover the soil and practice crop variations Different ways to create soil cover You can use residual cover. And take cover crops The second question is which of these pods and which series is maize Here is a series and copy as a pod, so what are the benefits of plants and algae and the series together.
T shifted or they do not work Next question What are the benefits of following crop rotation Crop rotation helps the soil nutrients to be used more efficiently and the next question to break the life cycle of pets and diseases is to try to cover the names of each of the cover crops. See Hilarious Specificities Earrings Yes Which of these Total area helps to control ya nematodes spektabolisa aggressive provide better protection for the sick or s yam from the farm because we have dedicated restructuring your life savanna tree of a mongoose, a forester who James at the back of the trees must be more you are very close to the desert, they have high doctor ' Already free, which can revitalize the Italian soil tree and apply the same rules for soil as the overcrowded crops only provide very large and strong deciduous branches and leaves organic matter. Species of certain plants can also fix nitrogen, cope with some extreme extreme weather conditions. The crop on any conservation is large Heaviness shows the roof to shine again, hoping for moisture to remain in the soil, as well as torrential rains reduce the loss of moderate temperatures in two ways. Strong roots keep the soil together during the voyage when it rains Gregory Kelly is a farmer who has never been trained in conservation farming but over the years he saw for himself that I understood the importance of the tree because I wanted many trees because I wanted to grow ale and then grow fat. There were a lot of trees left in the fields that I hadn't and they kept the trees The leaves start to cut the branches off, putting the breaks at the beginning of the side branches.
They then produce an organic matter and then mix it with the organic matter and improve the soil fertility. Conservation Farming We tell the farmers that if we want to leave the trees on our fields or plant new ones, we want to plant some trees and plant the crop as much as they want, so that we do not have to plant them and cut down all the trees, the question is more space for planting. Say it is a simple way to leave without leaving or where to put them To protect your farm from wind, build a shelter belt around your field and prevent animals from going the other way. Eli Cropping is called to benefit your crops The specialty of the plants you planted in the alley equipment you planted during Don Ellis, and this is the listener's plan to my left The best nitrogen fixtures of all the plant crops growing in the alley of the Lucena Tree Lucena tree have the benefit of free nitrogen free nitrous. On the other side of the pile and the third, we see another companion, and another powerful nitrogen fixer called the Gorilla Celia Glu Acadia grass field is a peanut plant and we also cut one and the other four and so we want to compare and which of these crops is so much. The two things that you should look for are the nutrients they provide As we can see, they grow, they are measurable different tree species, and they have their own Its benefits provide some fruit. Some are good for construction, some give medicines, some are very good at fixing nitrogen. Try to find out which plants around me really benefit from my field work. When you find out about those trees, you've already gone to your farm and see some lending posts. He is one of the leading farmers in the community and he is close to you The conservation benefits of agriculture prepares to show the plot and neighbors harvest is once and for all their desire to stop the farmers slash-burn practices. They will come and burn all the farms so if you bow to farm number one hitting the soil nutrients, you win Caraf some sauce Massimo unmasked meds' ability to extinguish the oil Osman once convinced his community farmers on their own. 'S eyes will see the benefits of conservation farming and they will never want to go back to the traditional practice. I promise you by December, when you get confused again, you will be surprised. I'm telling you that we took him through his talk and that he [music] has made his soil. We follow him throughout the season to check on progress Do. The soil is not very good in a hot pan and does not need to be burst.
'S I started the rainy season, a Time Force man pulled out the seeds of his main crop after two months in July. We returned to his farm last season. Usman needs to use chemical fertilizers so you'll love these boots for lettuce so that you cover all protected plants by fertilizing the soil to ensure that nutrient rich planets fly or float, but Osman hopes they cover cover wins. Introduction ' t need even chemical fertilizers in the coming season September two months after maize and cover crops are thriving This crop is harvested When the crop is harvested, the crop will provide young men with nutrients for its growth, but when they harvest, they bring extra income but to cover the soil. Purpose is the only temporary settlement of the crop that our instinct is We have a tendency to come here to plant mucuna, Usman was cutting his ass cream with mucuna, he planted aggressive fields in different fields but we waited in his manure. But when the maize is strong enough, the line of maize seedlings Creamy may be introduced during the kunhaca and I will provide efficient and sustainable crop when the soil crust. Demi's Mecca covers the soil waiting for next season Usman implements other varieties of mucuna where the bush mucuna is less invasive, and on the climb Bush Mucuna can be intercropped with maize before the Hanuman If you see the plot here, the cover of the Osman carnival and the cover crop is directly cultivated. He cut straight with the mattress for reasons why he likes it Take 'cover the soil and break the wheat because the lid crop has not started to work on the soil and Ozma sees a positive effect on her ass, which means that I am doing just that.
'I'm so happy to welcome me back to my phone just in the dry season after October. That is, the intercorped crew, Mukuna, grew up in the Chakravyu just over a month after the cow had left it. Sling advice already begins around mail stocks Hakuna on a different farm has evolved into a thick bush, if you look at Mo Kuna like all the soil, but you see the structure but good block, that means that when you plant the next vizia, you don't want any more here. Wanted to bring fertilizer but already the leaves have dissolved the soil in the soil. Ale has a lot of green and brown and brown oxide mixed crop hidden in the house and it was proved that high, which is a feature. Two months later in the season, the profitable season is in full swing, only almonds are harvested, and now the benefit of the Interpersonal Cream Hakuna is clear that its vine is a mixture of residue crushing on the main base. This layer of thickness in the cover crop will keep the soil alive and healthy throughout the dry season and so we are trying to plant some hats in the area. Their corn is harvested after harvest. The soil brings neutrons to us In the middle of the dry season two months after February, a bushfire attacks the field if you think Everton is a complete bane. ' Their corn is harvested after harvest. The soil brings neutrons to us In the middle of the dry season two months after February, a bushfire attacks the field if you think Everton is a complete bane. ' Their corn is harvested after harvest. The soil brings neutrons to us In the middle of the dry season two months after February, a bushfire attacks the field if you think Everton is a complete bane. '
The fact that this was the water was that Osmani, still frustrated by Sheja's ignorance about the life of the soil and the bullets on the tree, still did not help Ben. As a group of hunters pass by the mud, we talk to you as you enrich your home so you can't get them fast yet so when we see them, the Killum account is still notorious and they are still searching for a rabbit. These men and boys themselves. As a farmer, when we started hitting the soil in the booth where we were, we collected our acreage, and where would we find food to feed ourselves? In all likelihood, the core of the Oz - the ability to effectively protect the cover from demonstration shrubs from its cover crops, I stopped the flames before proceeding to their fields, where the plot is not called, they are still green. You know that the green roof area can thank Carnavale. Most demonstrations in a no firewall The c plot was saved and the almond soil conservation can survive the dry season over the entire Hakkuna area during the dry season. The circle is especially stressful,
But if the corn crop gets intercropped, you will get the invasive appearance of the tree. Kama Koon Who reminds the rain with the stockings that the mixture provides a soil cover which is used in the two principles of conservation farming used here. The almond adheres to the principle of covering the soil. And by studying the diversity of the three main crop varieties, he takes advantage of different crops to improve his soil and scatters the seeds. Most of his crop was dry due to bushfire erosion and the kale was very green and could prevent the shrub from spreading further, There is no doubt about it. Conservation means living from the old habits Depending go is a big hand.
Instead of plowing instead of leaving the soil, you should create torn lines and plant directly into the soil filled with residue, and instead of focusing on just one crop, you should embrace the broader crop and plant trees on your field. That is a big change but it is in the voice of every farmer and the fact that the traditional culture was done for many years is no longer a soil problem is a real problem and more and more cultivable land has changed into desert conservation. Keeping your home safe and protecting the soil is fertile so that it can provide food for this, and generations to come do not have to own a big London machine or large area. Conservation farming is on the rise, allowing our crops to save money and to allow themselves to be fertilized and free from input.
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