Agriculture and Rural Development

Agriculture and Rural Development 

Agriculture and Rural Development

hello everyone welcome to another session for on the board exam for ERT section and for today's we're going to continue with our soil science and water conservation so for today we're going to talk for where we have left the part 1 and we're going with our fertilizers and it's classification so to understand we need to know what these fertilizers are right so fertilizers can be defined as matter or a material or a substance which can be used to make the soil more fertile and this can be such as manuals or fertilizers of nitrates but it can be organic as well as inorganic it is applied on the soil to plant tissue which can be supplied one or more plant nutrients for the essential rules of the plants right and the menus veneers these are supply they supply plan nutrients in small quantities but they supply the organic matter in larger quantities so an example for this would be your would be fym right so these will give a lesser amount of plant nutrients but this will give you a higher amount of organic matter so as some of the examples of organic matter will be vermicompost vermicompost is a compost that is meat with the help of earthworms right and we have nothing so a menudo known as light soil and night soil these are formed or desired lead from the human excreta can be solid or liquid and these are all about the many years and going to the green manure green manure these are green on the dig and decomposed plan material which are used as manure this green manure can be in situ or at City and Institute these are the green manures or the manures of wheat where the plans these are grown along the main crop and after they after the lifecycle of that green manures over they are leftout there to decompose by itself some of the examples for this institute type of wind manures would be says vania and Sun hem so these two properties make a really good Institute wind manurewhereas in Exeter it's a complete opposite of that so we do not improve the plant or the Queen menus along with them in property instead we will take the plant debris or the plant material or the leaves and the twigs and collect it and put it on main file so some of the examples for this would be your igloo CEDIA a neem female these are some of the examples for these Queen veneer certain terminologies free off that I'm down here are on definitions so when when a plant is deficit then it it means that the concentration of an essential element is low enough to limit yield severely and distinct deficiency symptoms can be shown in the plant or which is which becomes visible right so it can be ranges from 2 less less or moderately slightly moderately deficiency centers and in critical range the nutrient concentration and the plant is below which is in response to add new twin occurs right and this of the critical level or the range vary among plants and nutrients but offers somewhere in a transition between the nutrient and sufficiency so what is this sufficient the sufficient is when the nutrient concentration is sufficient enough or which is perfect enough to for the plant to sustain but we shall not increase the yield all right and the term luxury consumption is often used to describe nutrient absorption by the plant that does not include so and here in successive or toxic when this is when the concentration of essential elements all the minerals these are high enough to reduce the plant world and eat excessive nutrient concentration can also cause an imbalance in the plant and thus reducing a lot at the foot set or the food drop and it can also cause in the physiological disorders of this plant so it is very important to know all this chair speed right so this fertilizers can be classified into six categories right so here we have a straight fertilizers we have complex fertilizers with mixed fertilizers complete fertilizers low analyzes fertilizers and high analogist fertilizers so this sweet fertilizers all the fertilizers where the fertilizers they supply only one major nutrient right an example for this with beet urea right and others and on the other hand complex fertilizers other fertilizers which supply more than soon or well with supply two or more than two major nutrients for example for this or with VOD LP right and your mixed fertilizers mixed fertilizers are the products or the fertilizers meet by mixing two primary it can be 2 or 2 or more finally nutrients major nutrients right an example for this is a game GDP and incomplete fertilizers and complete fertilizer these are product or fertilizer where these are made by mixing of the three major primary nutrients example for this with video NPK where all the all the media three main nutrients are supplied in one as one single but lightweight right so here in low analyzes fertilizers and no analyzes fertilizers these are fertilizers which have unless having less than 25 percent of the primary nutrient an example for this would feel SSP tivity for phosphate and then where is in hi analyzes it is an opposite if the fertilizer or product where it has more than 25 percent of the major nutrients right an example for this with video so these are the different types or the classification of fertilizers now let's move on to the methods or of application of these fertilizers our fertilizers are can be applied on three methods alright the baseball dose the base of those or the based on method of application here the fertilizers all the pesticide these are applied at the sowing time and deep placement of fertilizers these are mostly done in white where the ammonium the west ammonium incorporated in reliefs zone learnt the ventilation let's add in started those sorry those here I did a movie done in legumes as well as the vegetables where the NPK these are applied at their transplanting and if there are usually done at the ratio of 1 is to 3 is to 1 right find your split those split tools of nitrogen fertilizers these can be of two types and a to split tools or three structures these are mostly done to increase the magazine efficiency at the club and to students our movie done where the thoughts duration with Viva woman's whereas in twisted doses with the duration of the publish for more than five to six months right so these are the simple these are the simple methods of application office fertilizers let's go to our buyers and life's what are my utilizes right oh these are also known as by not so this by fertilizes our preparations which contain microorganisms as supply nutrients especially nitrogen phosphorus to this plant and these can be supplied to the plans to soil inoculum through your plant as well as in the form of a compost what the main objective of vial of fertilizers would be that it will increase the opportunity office microorganisms for a belief easily microorganisms and thereafter accelerate the microbial activity and this will in turn augment the ability the availability of these plant nutrients and which will make it available for the plants so they make a really perfect type of microbe bill soil biology in the soil which will make it very beneficial for the plans as well as this soil right and these art and all advantages office and biofertilizers are cost effective it's cost effective because it is significantly less money or it does not cost as much as food in organic fertilizer where we fit will respect a lot of money on it right and the supplement to the fertilizers f i have already discussed with you since it can act as a supplement of fertilizers as it will increase a microbial activity and therefore it will also will increase the proper production and a life inside in soil so this can be earned supplements to the fertilizers and it is also eco-friendly because it is friendly nature and it is not food or it is not and you were seduced unlike be organic fertilizers where there these are multi toxic and they can be picking site in the soil for years and years and I can leave the soil as well as even the brown water act and go through river bands in the streets as well as feeding found also affect the human health first in this bio fertilizes these are and when the friendly and biodegradable and such a way that they do not have any advantage to impact right it reduces across towards with lies its use before knee is since its cost-effective definitely is gonna reduce the cost to itself isolated use especially regarding nitrogen and phosphorus this is why food line as they are very famous for nitrogen and phosphorus fixation these and fire fertilizers they make these unwanted vailable nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil available for the planting so about keep singing in active service right so these are the nutrient supply these fire fertilizers can be classified into two types mainly the nitrogen fixing compounds as well as the phosphorus from house so in these are these 1950 sometimes can be further divided into three living associative survive with ants invited so free living can be further again divided into arabic and anaerobic with an antibiotic to back to from these are the fixtures a big hand these are mostly used for wheat rice cotton and sugar cane in an anaerobic we have as a spare money where is an associate of symbiotic we have oxygen and so for your associated to buys it we're gonna use as experiment and atmosphere and these are associated to the needs of losses and some of the example of the crops with the sorghum [Music] so these are the examples of this atmosphere life and at this forum a nitrogen fixation after some basic since inviteth we have two types again which is not information and on the noodle formation which one will come it'll be quite severe and rhizobian they are symbiotic relationship ordinary pictures of all the legumes right and we also have a lung nodule formation and forget me huh between al k which is also known as and these have a symbolic relationship or dissociation we don't want to put known house that's all laughing right so these are some of the free living some of the nitrogen fixing sometimes right now we're gonna move on to our phosphorus phosphorus but there are two types first one is the phosphate soluble solid lighter and the second one is phosphate absorber so this fossilised to leave lighter these are mostly using the soils where they are higher amount or a lot of people when when there is an immense use of this phosphor advanced use of it NPK and Dean UTEP it's used then it increases the sulfate and phosphate residues so to solid lies this phosphorus these phosphate solid lighter is used right and we're gonna go to our soil nutrient basically according to Orange and start we have 16 essential nutrients and with this we can route them we have another flush 16 essential nutrients plus 1 which is nickel right so that makes about the 17 which means so out of these tree would be your basic structures basic nutrients which will give see actual Harbhajan hydrogen which would be any okay and we'll be having a second to include which will be calcium oxygen and sulfur and arrested for your nutrients so under this we have three fiery right and some all of its pasta next units are they will be your secondary and so here in this diorama is in this table I've given the element as well as a caution in the plant mr. spoon detail with each other each one of these so this macaroon they are responsible for the budget rules and the building block these are the building plant parasitic phosphorus is a critical remember these are with nitrogen for the vegetative roof and this phosphorous they are crucial with the beautiful augment lambdas asked for for maturity and see reduction and potassium these are the activate enzymes these are important to the plant holders of Dante extreme temperature as well as drought and more on these are important in sugar transport cell division and amino acid production chloride the use of federal regulations resisting diseases as well as for synthetic reactions copper on the other hand we are important complement of enzymes involved in photosynthesis again iron component of enzymes essential for businesses as well as put synthesis molybdenum involved in nitrogen metabolism especially nitrogen fixation manganese for class production cofactor in many transactions he activates the enzyme as well and the lastly we have zinc these are the components of minions are essential for transforming balance and the activity so remember all the fashions of these elements it's very important to go the functions because even when the deficiency centers also come and I think under ASEAN a definite symptom it's going to be much more easier for you all to answer this if we understand the basic and passage of all these elements right and here in this picture actress give the diagrams representation of the plant as long as where are these attention where always my macro and micronutrients will be attacking this micro and macro nutrients deficiency symptoms will be sure right so for me we're gonna go from this side and then we're going to your right side so we're gonna start off with the left hand side first is Bora and borin there will be here as you can see in this picture there is going to be a discoloration of leaflet and breaking and dropping out there but remember this and suffer here there's going to be a light green veins being filthy is what so basically it's going to show a symptom of flourishes but there won't be any spots and the veins will be pale green and the leaves will turn light green or it can even turn yellow right and manganese least they are pale in color beige and then even news they are dark green and articulate remember and so far all of the greens and everything will turn feel green and yellow but where is manganese it's only the leaves that will turn pale in color but the veins and the fennel tea was building named r3 okay and and zinc leaves are pale narrow short veins start three they have dark spots on these as well as on the edges and these are the symptoms of zinc manganese Hill is from leaf edges there are no spots I just have cup shaped holes leaves die and drop in extreme and deficiency right and phosphorus we have the plant short and dark green in extreme individual sees ten blonde or black bronze color already so bronzing will have author in your posture and we move on to the calcium touch a mule gets still gonna have a plant will be still doctrine tender leaves will be killed during charts upon the tip eventually leave one dad right so if you can see the born and calcium detect the uppermost or the topmost layer topmost part of the plant and for iron Aaron have a pager peel please and they have no spots but major three will be between copper we have field green between the veins will and draw so in copper the the extra addition other than illness the most important way to identify it is due to building and keeping all these leads he am molybdenum the leaves the light green lemon yellow orange spots on the whole need except being sticky secreted from lynly so monitor need it other than that other than they also give up give out the sticky secretions as well as we have spots on the boots and potassium they have small spots on the leaves edges of the peonies spots to the turn rusty hold the tip so this will be your sentence with potassium and nitrogen the stunted smooth extreme pale color upright news the light really LOH and they appear burnt and extreme deficiencies so these are the different types of the deficiency symptoms shown by these different elements all right this is a really good diagram to view which me which makes it much more easier and clearer right and so if you want you get to get screenshot of this as well so here in his pic in this slide we're gonna talk about some of the plans which kind of use as an indicator for the nutrient deficiencies and the deficit elements here I've given a militant side and indicator plans I've given under qualifier so why they call the indicated plans they're all the communicative plans because we are susceptible or they're less tolerant soon they're deficient deficiencies of these elements right so even if there's a slightest efficiency or sightlessness lesson in amount of all these nutrients than these across will show the first symptoms so that's why they are palsy indicators so first and foremost put nitrogen it's always the cauliflower and cabbage phosphorus we have read seeds or mustard and potassium is potatoes calcium cauliflower and cabbage again Mac regime's potatoes iron cauliflower cabbage potato as well as both sodium we have sugar beet manganese sheep repeat an old borrow on a flower so these are the sand in France which are they found indicators for this between tap chances right let's go to our another topic which is Oh so what is soil erosion soil erosion it is a naturally occurring process that affects the landforms so in agriculture this all emotion can be caused due to water as well as wind and what happens here is that there'll be a wearing of the topmost soil off the land and which are really caused by wind earth water and through this and as well as even farming activities as well as still as can also affect this so erosion and within time of the soil at the topmost layer of the soil will be borne off and it'll be deposited somewhere so this is known as evolution and this detachment movement and depositing these are the three steps of soil erosion all right and here in detachment this earth and this is when the topsoil is actually detached from the rest of the brown for example I'm going to take an example of the water or the raindrops of the water the rain droplet falls on the land then the small particles all the sands they will get detached and the movement will start and they will move to another so another area and there is going to get deposited so this whole process this whole process comes illusion okay so there are mean two methods or the main process for the soil erosion the first one is to what evolution is - it's a free surface water runoff these are two important terms which come in time and time right and find the main causes of soil erosion water erosion which is the loss of the top swirl going to do water so here in what evolutionists have I already extinct previous flight the green drops they fall directly on the top soil the impact of the raindrops losing the material bonding it together allows some fragments to detach right and it's the rainfall and this surface water pond runoff is actually a extreme form of this water erosion and and the water or the rainfall that comes near the water gathers on a brown they cost water flow on the land surface and which is known as the surface water runoff and this runoff carries the detect soil materials away and deposit them elsewhere right so these are the main supporters of soil erosion and let's talk more about the causes of others process of soil erosion the first one here is green and water runoff we've already discussed live here that's right so we're not going to talk hear any more about this serene and water run up if all discussed in the previous slides and these Rhian water runoff suppose it wishes to change like water erosion then it can take out most of your organic materials and your tray or cells or the sandy particles smaller particles but if there's a stream water one of them it can also take off your take off the important and the more healthy organic minerals for the minerals like the elements as well and farming farming and also cause can also be a cause for the soil erosion as it can always firming some intensive farming it also change the the soil structure and even though it wouldn't hold it but eventually it will also deplete the organic material from that soil and therefore it's going to deteriorate the soil we've shia tillage practices the soil will also become less it will become more farmers and they won't be any having any more advocate suit for this well and that way which will make it much more easier for it to fall on tilled soil erosion right and snow budget land is also important as the disputed land is much more higher than if you're gonna compare this to the Superman like this then the runoff due to the pressure altitude slope the runoff and number one is going to be more higher than the runoff in this school so this will cause a higher this will of the cost and weak or this can also affect the soil erosion in the lack of station since if there if the land is barren and if there's no vegetation in the land the roots they actually help in holding the soil together and that's why in more of the barren land or in the places where there's no vegetation soil erosion is more as they become more susceptible they become more exposed to these water runoff as well as in water erosion as well as the renewal right and the last one here is a wind erosion when you're Raja you can also take a part in soul erosion as the swimming erosion it depends on the velocity of the wind if it's like unless the velocity that it won't affect this one much but if it's of the final operator definitely it can translocate these smaller particles of the soil and thereby potting soil erosion to softly to extent right so these are some of the causes of this soil erosion and let's go to our types of soil erosion we have different types of soil erosion of / illusion with erosion the Lea oceans twin bank erosion deposition sheet erosion these are some of the types of soil erosion so let us discuss all of these have of erosion in detail the soil erosion these are these are also known after splash erosion and here this is a more simplest form of erosion or this is also known as the water erosion right and here suppose the rain droplet or the water droplets perform on the ground and due to the pressure or the force this particle of these are red dirt has 14 and look at this it is into a different areas may be and their art we are definitely gonna accumulate in this region and so this is the main formation on the process of the raindrop artist flash movie Jim and these are the most simplest methods of the soil analysis of the most prominent common solution and here we have a sheet avoidance treaty volume these are mostly caused by the winds and these are mostly found in a flat surface as you can see here right and due to the wind moving due to the continuous winds a lot higher velocity the the small particles on the land particle these are actually very detached and happy but it's you a different area and so it needs a sheath like structure here and which makes it she's like structures out here and so this are the type of soil another type of it's really really caused by literally a sheet erosion is the most it's not common and cannot be diagnosed properly as well so let's go to our relative motion will avoid you know these are again past YouTube water erosion due to heavy rains or detail continuous rain this will form a small channel or real-life structures due to the water and this will be making a small will or channels but then this can be this can be amended or it can be cleaned by a tillage right and so these are this has optimal illusion and it will form a little shape right and the gully erosion this is an advanced form of realization right and here and it's a diversion the the rills or the the witches are they are more white and more deeper the cracks are more deeper and more wider right and these are due to the continuous water water YouTube heavy rains which causes over time huge deep cracks and ridges like these and these will be your of the erosion tillage is not any use in this type of right so here I'll announce three mangu was in the stream bank erosion these are usually caused due to the stream of the river sites right so because of this continuous flow of this river the site of the land outside of the soil these are also washed out continuously and so does this causes this a stream by erosion these are some of the types of soil erosion we also have wind erosion which we all discuss we often have terminal erosion in the tunnel revolution these are all the cars it didn't droplets are the rain fall suppose this is an land of an area and due to the continuous rain drops this will form the small balls out here first and with the country's drop which continues to ravage these are valid these are both deeper and deeper and eventually we are gonna form a tunnel shape so this is another type of soil erosion right okay so I found the solution for the soil erosion can be your careful tilling because till each activity big break up the small structure so doing less off till it actually a no tillage is the most preferable method for solution or for these soil erosion right so a feed one do not do you have if you do not do any tillage practices that it's much more beneficial to prevent this soil erosion and confrontation confrontation plenty of repetition they are also crucial as when we go for conversation we will be encountering different types of souls root structures which will definitely change the structure of these soil contact attack whereas in an intensive cropping the soil becomes very it will deplete the soil and that will definitely changes also it will definitely change the small structures when we look at into the intensive or the intensive wanna culturing right and these will allow this competition will also allow the organic matter to build up and which will make it further panting is more fertile and thirst it will help in soil erosion as the soil will be more compact and won't be in that way it will not have more of these hands of and for increased soil and restructure of the plant introducing terraces or the means of stabilizing or the soil can help in solution that can help in preventing the soil erosion for example in an top undulated topography you grip in the hills or terrains then if you move for this hunter or Terrace farming that it will change the pull topography of the land in such a way that due to the water one off due to the rainfall itself they will not be displaced the song will not be detached or this page coming right and we have another problem water control for those area where the soil erosion is predominantly caused by water whether the not but it's natural all that made me man-made then specialized runoff clients can also help to write to you Scottish soldiers away from susceptible areas so we're going to use some of the structures when I said water prior to the tanks which will divert it from the most acceptable or the most common in the area where it's more susceptible to always soil erosion and they're never gonna die for its we are the water sources and for the increased knowledge a major factor for Venezuela also the erosion is when you increase the knowledge of of each other as well as tweet awareness amongst each other and teach the farmers and as well as the people around so that people will be more aware of it and we can come up with a better solution purposes for erosion and moving on to our last chapter which is officer funds if it's for any water conservation the first and foremost with it could I get a talk about swell up from revision what is the soil conservation and why is it important to conserve swell since soil is the most dynamic and a type first material that we can found in earth and which is the living bound for all the pans and for all the living organisms on earth and it's important for us to conserve we saw that the soil it's not there the soil is actually the food for all these plants so it's very important to conserve the soil so the soil conservation can all can be defined as preventing of the soil water erosion or reduce the fertility caused by other usage acidification salinization and other capital soil consolidations so this is the definition of your soil conservation right and it is a name which is given to techniques which aims at preserving the soil right so other than them you have different techniques to conserve this soil some of the techniques here are contour flowing and in the tip flowing it's a type of farming practices where it is flowing or the planting these are done across two slopes in elevation contour lines right so suppose this is the hilly regions alikum to are flowing or the contour farming we're gonna to do more often this size so it's gonna form a key tool in this way and this bill definitely help in preventing the water of soil erosion so this is technically plus sign for the soil conservation and terrorist bombing terms following these are also a method of Latin leveled areas and hills it's multi practice in the Asian countries for cultivation of rice all right so even here it's the same as the front or but it's more of a straight line where at infinity or it can be this dopey area as well but here in terror is where you make a step like structure on the terrace and this way fish farming right and this will also help in the reducing the soil and water erosion and cue line design these are a more enhanced version of controlling but here what we do is that we take two different ideas that is watershed management as well as setting it to a flower so we will be making the contour and the ridges in such a way that the water sources will be watershed properties will be taken into consideration may be the water runoff will be one in down to or particle in water resources so these as a keyline design right and we're going to talk about parameter one of control this is a pod practice of planting trees or the shrubs groundcovers according to the current material of the famine which competes circuit school and within the trees left so it right so we're going to talk about wind grapes will raise are nothing but it's all up on the shelter great shelter grapes or actual systems this is a very famous system or particle practice which is like the actual system well this is the field and you plan the particular tree on the sides like this which will act as a shield and which can equate the weight so if suppose these are actually good for preventing a wind erosion as these trees or these shrubs can't prevent can act as a barrier for this wind hi little Asti and I go directly the wind velocity fall from the field in the wheat crop and so the main crops will be read on injured as well also will be we founded wind erosion right element method has also have it also have various so many different benefits such as it will also help in the evapotranspiration I reduce the transmission rate off the soil of the cans as well as well as it can also protect patrol from other dust and other pollutants and acid barrier so other than that it can also act as a father and give an extra income to the community you can give inhabited for the wildlife as well but these are some of the advantages and benefits of the matrix and we moving on we have cover crops and crop rotation but the crops and crop rotation was for these cover crop they will act as the crops or the cover crop can be warmed along with the main crop and these can hold the whole the soil properly and his favorite qualities are a high in nitrogen which will be beneficial for this soil and it will help in the fertility of the soil as well as crop rotation also it will help in the fertility increasing the fertility of the soil as well as it will hold it struck it will change the structure of the soil and one make this also contact which will make it also tribal and which will make it more aeration will also be better in this type of so a little give the full dynamic whole dynamic biology of the soil proper and we will give them a really perfect work so of course opens another method is a soil conservation of farming is a mixture of farm method which intensive mimic the biology of a virgin man so soil conservation farming is a farming method where we duplicate or mimic a perfect virgin land where there is land a virgin land be a land or a forest greater know of the human activities have been done or new agriculture crops have been planted or where it's been living as it is so so this soil conservation farming is very suburban typical good farming method to preserve this world right and we furthermore we have an astrological measures these are planting grasses in heavily and coated areas and the phone athletes are crossed eligible measures so we here which is and it can be incorporated along the trees as well and the grass buses are mostly planted in the areas or it can also be counted and this process can also be used as a father for this life stock and animal as well right so we have a no-till farming we've already discussed about the new tillage so because if there are if wheat you go for more to lift up the practices and it will definitely lose a lot the soil and which will in turn increase the chances of soil erosion right but if there is no till or mood for funding that which can and can be very helpful in increasing their increasing the organic material as well as refusing the compactive of the store after that it will be less damaged by the tillage properties and so this is a method which in which of going fast year round without changing the topography office soil so the top of what we have a small one big change at all because it's a few who do the tillage then definitely is finished in Toulouse Lautrec this way and till here we have earthworms as well earthworms as we all know that they're very good for soil as the tip of better aeration in the soil right so they provided they burrow the de Bordeaux on the ground and the lid on the fan which will make it more available to what's around your oxygen to go about English slowly and they will be infinitely better weight and very natural farming this is a method that takes advantage of the natural as well as indigenous macro Ganges to produce a portal so that if that needles higher output and get rid of the need of the river side with it pesticides right so we have a green wardens awaiting garden is a shallow depression in the land which falls and collects rainwater from impervious surfaces and they prevent pollution while saving the nutrients in your teeth that in then admittedly we get washed away so this is about retardants and re-establishing forest cover a dense amount of trees or the forest policies are mostly planted and fantatic gained in network of a deep root of a long term solution to the soil erosion right so these another benefit for this can also be the windbreak which we have all the discuss in the previous slide that the treat camp invite right so this when we read stablish the forest cover it definitely helped in increasing before my throat is going to be the microbial activity as well as it will increase the microorganisms and destroy it with hop in and indigenous crops why are we need image pops better non-indigenous cross and then the gee-gees protective ended more the region's pop in that particular area we don't have to put any extra amount or any extra extra extra organic any extra elements or minerals as they are more neutral to that part in Seoul and definitely to commit attack well that funky soul can put up that stones and man saw and will also definitely even forget it natural needs community needs we think one swell formation as well as improve the soil structure texture facility and so that's all about the soil conservation that let us move on to this watershed management of what is watershed management what is it management is the concept which I believe the juiciest management of basic resources that the soil and water vegetation by implementing land use practices and water management practices to protect and improve the quality of the water and I'm not showing resources within the watershed by managing the usual use land and water use which is in pocket and sip manner for these are the definition of watershed management so what is so before going to what is a manager a wrong sort of efficient management is and now what is the watershed so here to be of everybody of the water via rivers lakes streams ponds even your actuaries it can also be in the form of a precipitation graduate snow from high mountains right these still form or watershed or they can hold as food water so what it is basically at the area of land that dreams or chef walked into a specific crystalline water body such as lake or a river support the watershed this can be a bodies of watersheds that can comment for which rivers lakes ponds streamlets cherries from the high mountains and the form of rain in the snow as well and all these little combine into your pot legal join into a particular point maybe even like a funnel shape right so all of these to one point in a funnel shape at from the top five drop there are larger air confined into the larger lakes or rivers or into a larger water body and therefore they gonna go back to the ocean and the Seas right so all these will these are known as sea water strip right right so there are type a different types of water these several watershed these are based on the size the drainage properties and the shape as well as a man captive right so there are five types of watershed which is a mathematician sub-watershed milli watershed Mike leadership and the leadership needs important to remember the area of holies what all these watersheds these are for macro watershed these are more than 50,000 hectares we separate the shed with nearly 10,000 to 50,000 practice Mille watershed believe about 2,000 to 10,000 micro watershed with 1,500 to 2,000 and mini would be the four hundred to one or two hun and we're going to talk about Fisheries in the so please be there and thank you so much and stay safe 

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